Often, the cause of a poorly-operating sliding glass door is a lack of proper maintenance.
These simple steps, performed just once or twice per year, will keep both you and your doors happy for years to come.
1. Brush, Brush, Brush
Run a stiff, dry brush or old toothbrush inside the tracks to loosen up the debris that was collected over time.
2. Part of the Routine
If you have hardwood flooring or tile, simply open the door and sweep out the tracks during your regular floor cleaning routine.
If you have carpet next to your sliding glass door, use your vacuum's wand to suck out dirt and debris.
3. Do NOT Use Lube
Lube (like WD-40) will attract more debris by making the area sticky, which can affect the bearings. Debris in the bearings can result in residue that works against the rollers and makes it more difficult to open the door.
4. Check For Rust
Some door parts are made from materials prone to rusting, like aluminum. Rust can cause irreparable damage, warranting an expensive repair or replacement.
Look for signs of rust near your rollers. If you find any, it could be expanding inside the door, depositing particles and clogging up your track.
Call us before it's too late. We'll replace any damaged parts, reduce your risk of further damage, and make your door work like new again!
5. Wipe It Down
Last but certainly not least - the glass part of your sliding glass door! Grab a bottle of Windex and a non-fibrous paper, like a newspaper, and spray the cleaning agent onto the paper. Then, clean your glass in a circular motion to ensure the minimal amount of streaks left behind.
Does this seem like another chore to add to the list? Well, it is! But Sunshine Slider Repair is happy to take care of your doors for you during our one-hour service call.
Call or text us today at (230) 600 - 8474, or fill out our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Click here to download this list in graphic form.